Flavio Castellani

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Flavio Castellani was born in 1998 from the union between the creativity of the stylist Rita Ricci and the commercial and managerial skills of Flavio Castellani. Since the early years, the company has been characterized by the particularity of products based on a modern, feminine and gritty style.

Creativity and reliability are the basis of all our work. The analysis of proposals from abroad and the domestic market are another important aspect that leads us to keep up with every new trend, without ever giving up our personality. To this is added a continuous study and comparison in team on materials, shapes, colors and on everything else that can give added value to the style of our collections.

Our style is modern, gritty, elegant: the Flavio Castellani woman is both sober and sensual. Respect for a working methodology in the typical Italian tradition, she is combined with the ability to look to the future to anticipate styles and trends. Craftsmanship and technology together to create excellent quality garments in the continuity and consolidation of made in Italy.
