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We are a multi-specialist brand in the childcare sector, with unique experience and vision in the areas of Car Seat, Stroller, toys, soothers, fashion and much more.
Since 1958 we have been at the side of families, listening to their needs and supporting them through a wide range of products and services.
Our Chicco Research Center is dedicated to the knowledge of the child from 0 to 3 years and their psycho-physical, emotional and social needs. It draws on the contribution of the medical-scientific world which is fundamental for understanding of the facts and progress in the paediatric sphere and to assess the scientific validity of the proposed products. It constantly gathers the suggestions of mums and dads, the primary connoisseurs of the actual needs of children and supports them with advices and suggestions.
Today we are the most famous brand of childcare in Italy, and a we have significant presence in the world. We are active in more than 120 countries, with more than 360 single-brand stores. The US market is the second biggest market after Italy in terms of sales volumes.
We believe that all parents should be free to live their parenthood in the way that best represents them, to fully live this experience. This is why Chicco exists, to be present and support all those who take care of each child, encouraging them as those who truly listen do.
Because parenting is a unique experience that we live and love every day.
Chicco. Live it. Love it.